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Writer's picture Zion Lutheran

Saint Patrick Devotion

“May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life!” – Psalm 128:5

The Commemoration of Saint Patrick, Missionary to Ireland

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (More on that in a minute.)

How are you doing with the mandatory Shelter in Place so far? Does it feel surreal? Do you feel a measure of inner resistance against the imposed limitations on travel and gatherings? Are you missing your favorite routines and normal connections with friends? No doubt we all are!

There is not a single one of us alive who has ever seen or experienced anything quite like this before! When I left Zion last night, it was the oddest feeling to turn off the lights, lock the door, and drive away, knowing that I would not be gathering again there with my dear flock for weeks to come. What does this mean?

Your leadership and staff at Zion have already been prayerfully and thoughtfully seeking to discern how best we can be caring for God’s people and leading us in Christ’s mission through these days of physical isolation. We believe that God is truly present with us as He promised and that He will use even these unusual and difficult circumstances for His kingdom purposes. One of the ways I would like to stay in touch with you is to share some ongoing devotional thoughts as we journey along this path together. Today I am thinking of St. Patrick.

Even though most of the usual St. Patrick’s Day festivities are curtailed this year, perhaps this gives us an opportunity to remember the work of Saint Patrick without the external distractions of parades and party hats and green beer.

Did you know that Saint Patrick is included in the list of church commemorations in the front of our hymnal, the Lutheran Service Book? And for a good reason! Patrick was a missionary to the people of Ireland in the fifth century and his humble life and witness for his Lord brought the message of Christ to those in royalty and wealth, as well as to the poor and impoverished. Although fanciful legends of his life abound, the simple truth is that he lived and died for Christ.

Whatever our circumstances and whatever challenges we face in this earthly life, may it be said of us that by God’s grace, we lived and died for Christ! God’s peace be with you!

We are here for you!

Pastor Paul

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