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What We Believe




We believe that God is three persons in one.

  • The Father who created and sustains the world.

  • The Son who became a human being died and rose from the dead.

  • The Holy Spirit who works God's will in the world.


We believe that Jesus died and rose again for us and for every person in the world. He did this to take away our sins and give us eternal life.   This salvation cannot be earned.  It is a gift that people receive through faith in Jesus Christ.

Lutherans often refer to three “solas” (Latin for ‘alone”) as a summary of the faith that gives them hope:

  • Grace alone—God loved the world, though we do not deserve his love. He sent his Son to love the unlovely and save the ungodly.

  • Faith alone—Jesus has provided for our forgiveness and life; those who hear this promise and believe it, have what it offers. People don’t “get” faith; God gives it as he gives us his promises.

  • Scripture alone—The Bible is the only source that shows God’s will and the only basis for faith.



The Bible is the Sacred Scripture, the Word of God. We treasure God’s Word because it teaches us about eternal life through Jesus Christ. The Word is Gospel ("good news”) because it assures us of God’s love and faithfulness.  We believe that the Bible is inspired – that means that God was at work in the lives of the human writers so that the final product is just what God wanted it to be – for us!

Christian church oakland California lutheran
Faith Alone image
Scripture Alone image
about us

About us


Zion Lutheran Church was founded in Oakland, California, in 1882. Originally located in downtown Oakland, the congregation moved in 1954, to the comparatively new residential and commercial Montclair district in an effort to provide mission outreach to areas of Oakland that were not being served. The church has been a prominent presence on Park Boulevard since that time.


We are affiliated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS).  The LCMS is a network of congregations that works together for missions, for higher education, and for the training and equipping of church workers.


What's in a name?


Why the name “Zion?  The word “Zion” occurs well over one hundred times in the Bible. In essence, “Zion” means “fortification” and encapsulates the idea of a fortified monument raised up to God.


This name is quite apt for the church’s location. The building is indeed raised up high on a hill overlooking a ravine. Its steeple can be seen from many of the city’s different neighborhoods. Our Zion is truly a building raised up and built as a testament to God and as a place to provide services to and for the greater community.

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Logo
pastor holding bible

Mission Statement
Through strength in our faith, we courageously serve Christ and share His love with others in our community and beyond.

  • Share the Gospel in our Church and Community.

  • Show our love for God and others through community service and community building.

  • Provide uplifting worship experiences.

  • Respond to spiritual and physical needs of our congregation and community.

  • Equip believers to do God’s work.

  • All are welcome to join us on a journey of faith.

As a Lutheran Church, we believe in justification by faith. We respond to the love of God through service to our neighbors.

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